Hi Guys!
Favour is seen as an act of kindness beyond what is due or usual. And Makeup Favour is an act of kindness shown by applying cosmetics on a person to make that person look beautiful especially on a person who (for one reason or the other) cannot afford same.
I will tell you a short story. I was privileged to know a lady whose husband died early in their marriage and left her with 3 children and colossal hardship. Fortunately, God’s light shone on her and she met a man who wasn’t doing well but was willing to marry her and her 3 children. So on her wedding day, I gave her a Makeup Favour and she looked amazing. It was surreal to her. Oh was she delighted!
Silver or gold I do not have but what I have I give to you was my response to her many many thanks.
Unfortunately, my camera disappointed me. I took lots of her pics but none saved. Sorry guys, no pictures.
Bottom line, I felt good myself.

I brought this to you to let you know you can show an act of kindness with whatever it is you do/produce.
Nice day guys.
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